Case Studies - Sprint Infinity

Focussed on Results

Case Studies

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Temple Legal Protection

Based in Guildford, Temple has been a Computer Strategies client for a number of years. With an enviable reputation as leaders in the field of legal expense insurance, Temple relies on cutting edge IT to give clients the support they need. An expanding firm, Temple has grown significantly over the last 3 years and Computer Strategies has been on hand to smooth the way by providing top class IT support.

At the Outset

From the initial installation of hardware and software at Temple’s original Guildford office, Computer Strategies has worked alongside the company, fulfilling the role of in-house IT support. Initially, Temple had a small number of PCs that were not linked together, but as the company grew, CS built a network, installed antivirus protection software, created back up procedures and trained Temple staff. Additional work included general maintenance as well as setting up facilities for remote access, meaning that Temple staff could work away from the office.

The Challenge

Temple staff were working from an old building with no IT cabling. Because of this and the fact that an office move was on the horizon, most of the computers were connected using wireless technology. With the move to a new modern building, Temple wished to install full network cabling, facilitating high speed network performance. CS was asked to facilitate the IT move.

The Tasks at Hand

Temple also asked CS to help the company benefit from remote working via mobile phones. Temple staff accustomed to remote access via internet connected PCs, but the move to email collected via phone handsets required further work. Mobile phones are now able to provide staff with email and internet access on the move and full integration with office PCs means that once an email has been updated on the phone, the office PC updates automatically.

The Outcome

The move was successful and trouble free and Temple now boasts up to the minute, fully integrated IT systems which help to keep the company ahead of the game. Temple strives to be the best in its field and to give clients outstanding legal service at all times. Similarly, Computer Strategies aims to be the best in its field, so that its clients can get on with running their businesses, secure in the knowledge that their IT is in safe hands.

Cherry Trees

Cherry Trees provides professional respite care for children and young people with disabilities. Set in the peaceful village of East Clandon, near Guildford, Cherry Trees provides a high-quality service within a relaxed and caring setting. Founded in 1980 by a group of parents and doctors, Cherry Trees has become a lifeline for the families of more than 100 children and young people who are regularly cared for here for a few hours, a weekend or even a couple of weeks.

At the Outset

All IT support at Cherry Trees had been provided by an enthusiastic and knowledgeable volunteer. With the ever-increasing demands on the use of IT and associated Internet services the availability of this volunteer because of other commitments, holidays and sickness did not satisfy Cherry Trees current business needs.

The Challenge

Cherry Trees then went to the marketplace to find a support organisation that had a Helpdesk function that could assist users with day to day problems, provide onsite support and advice and guidance in the selection and supply of additional IT equipment and services. Computer Strategies was selected on their ability to provide all these services at a cost-effective price.

The Tasks at Hand

Once appointed Computer Strategies fully documented the environment at Cherry Trees. This ensured that any member of the Helpdesk team could answer telephone calls at the start of the contract. Since then all calls to the helpdesk have been answered in a timely and efficient manner. Having supported the site for several months Computer Strategies then replaced several aging PCs and installed a new server.

The Outcome

Cherry Trees now have an IT support function that precisely fits in with their business requirements. Helpdesk support during the day, on call computer support engineers for onsite visits and advice and guidance as well as procurement of products.

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